I help women over 40 ease out stiffness and pain in their body and feel like their renewed self through personalised movement and relaxation techniques.




The Healing Rebel supports women living in pain and/or with chronic illness.

Do you feel disheartened, unseen, and let down by the health services?

Do you want to reclaim control, independence and feel liberated?

With simple, consistent actions, you'll step back into your power, take control and feel independent and free!



Do you struggle to relax? If you answered yes, me too! It took me a long time to learn to relax and no one technique is suitable for everyone.

That's why I offer a variety of treatments, including: massage (females only), menopause massage (females only), lymphatic drain massage (females only), Reiki, Access Bars, Sound Healing, guided meditations, breathwork and body and mind reset mini-retreats. All from my private home studio in Springburn.



Are you feeling unfit or unflexible? Do you have aches and pains in your body that didn't use to, that hold you back? If you are feeling old before your time, there is something you can do. Movement is medicine.

I offer online and in-person classes and 1:1 sessions to help you move better. Sessions are tailored to your abilities and needs with your goal in mind whether it's improving co-ordination and balance, feeling stronger, or being able to get out to the shops. Your needs are what's important. 

I AM Jen Wilson - The Healing Rebel


About Me


I am passionate about listening to the wisdom of the body, to help manage illness and recover from burnout.

I remember when I was in my 20’s & 30’s, I loved to burn the candle at both ends (and a little in the middle too!). Working, partying, travelling, working out, learning… On the go all the time, surviving on food on the run, minimum sleep and adrenaline.

But then I started to feel unbalanced and agitated. I was exhausted and getting weaker instead of stronger in the gym.

Then I got diagnosed with Crohn’s disease and endometriosis. And, now I am in perimenopause!

I needed to learn a new way, a new pace of life. How to accept my circumstances (without being a victim).

I wanted to live well with chronic illness so I feel in control, not the conditions being in control of me.

I needed to stop people-pleasing and start prioritising myself.

Now I am in my mid 40's I am setting healthy boundaries, listening to my body, healing is my priority.

Not everyone feels comfortable with the changes I have made, but that's not my problem; my health is my problem, and I don't take it for granted.

Move. Relax. Heal

Living with a chronic illness is a journey - and one that I had zero clue about until I experienced it myself (there is only so much you can learn from a book). I don't believe in 'fighting' or 'battling' the disease. I believe in welcoming the lessons it has to give. 
One of my mantras is Listen to YOUR body, respond to what your body is telling you in the moment without judgement... 
I LOVE movement - it's medicine! 
I LOVE gut health & nutrition - it's medicine. 
I LOVE therapeutic massage & lymphatic drainage - it's medicine. 
I LOVE herbs - you guessed it, it's medicine... 
I LOVE energy healing, smudging, burning incense, tarot cards, Reiki, Access Bars - all medicine. 
AND...I LOVE to use scientific evidence-based that backs up all my methods. 
I believe YOU need to do what works for you, YOUR mind that has the power for your path to work for you.


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