

Hibernate & Heal : Your winter reset

Are you already dreading the dark nights?

Does winter feel like the longest season to you?

By the time January arrives, does it seem like motivation has slipped through your fingers?

How about we work together to have you step into 2025 feeling like you’re already ahead—energized, healthy, and ready to go.

No more chasing the "new year, new you" mantra, because you've taken small, consistent steps throughout the winter, building sustainable habits that have you exactly where you need to be as spring approaches.

This year, take control and liberate yourself from the winter slump. You don’t have to let the holiday season derail your progress or your goals.

Join me for a healing 12-week journey, Hibernate & Heal: Your Winter Reset, starting November 8th. Together, we’ll create the foundation for a thriving year ahead.

The best bit: no Facebook groups or WhatsApp chat groups that you need to interact.

Just me in your email inbox every week holding you accountable and supporting you through your journey.

Instant access to all the content you need, creating your own unique journey to nurture and nourish you through the winter.


Who is this programme for?

It IS for you if:

  • You feel stuck and are ready to move forward with your life.
  • If you get really fed up with the winter but want to feel better and enjoy it.
  • You are able to create time for your own self-care.
  • You want a tailormade approach to your own journey - not a one size fits all coaching programme.

It's NOT for you if:

  • You are looking for a magic pill - a healing journey is a holistic lifestyle change.
  • You have commitments that stretch your time and you just can't carve out time for you just now - sometimes life just gets in the way!
  • You can't or don't take responsibility for your actions and lifestyle - when we are truly ready to change we will take the necessary steps, and you might just not be there yet (and that's okay).

How much is the programme?

The 12 weeks is £120 

How does the programme work?

When you sign up you will be given instant access to all the content. The official start date is 8th Nov, on that day I will email out your first steps to help you set your first goal for the month ahead. I will then direct you to the relevant content to help you on your way to create the steps you need to take to move you towards that goal - then it's up to you to do the work. I will check in with you by email each week to see how you are getting on, answer any questions and point you in the direction of further content to help. 

What if the content I need isn't in the programme?

If there is something missing from the content and I have the information/skills to help then I will create additional content. For example: you need more seated exercises or alternative relaxation techniques, I will record and upload as soon as I can. If it's something bigger, for example: you need some talk therapy I have trusted therapists I can refer you on to (you would pay them directly for whatever their rate is). 

What happens at the end of the 12 weeks? 

I will be running the Spring into Spring term where you can continue your journey with me (more details about that nearer the time), or if you have come to the end of your journey with me, then we can part ways. 


Margaret THR Course Testimonial
Marg THR Course Testimonial

Why Choose Me ?


I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease in 2017. It’s an inflammatory bowel disease. They didn’t mention that it can also affect your eyes, joints, skin, tongue, fascia, fat cells, abscesses, hair (loss), ability to walk, energy, and sleep disruption – and that’s before you experience side effects to the medications. Then, in 2022, I was told I also have endometriosis, in which many of the symptoms are crossed over.

There was no support offered for the grief of how life will never be the same again when you get diagnosed with a chronic illness. Or even when you are going through life-changing times like menopause. However, that doesn’t mean you should suffer.

We women go through a lot in our lifetime. Although we were told that we could have it all, which we can, we weren’t told about the cost to our health and well-being. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.

The good news is that The Healing Rebel journey is about simplifying life! Taking away the unnecessary and adding the beneficial. Teaching you how to create good boundaries and prioritise yourself. We are making it simple.

You can’t give from an empty cup, and you will learn how to fill your cup (everyone is different).

I am here to guide you through and hold you accountable so you IMPLEMENT change.

Never has there been a better time to take control of your health

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