Healing Rebel


The Healing Rebel, helping midlife women who like they have lost control of their health and well-being and are ready to step back into their power and revitalise their life with simple, consistent actions.

Do you live with stubborn symptoms of a health condition, PMS/PMT or menopause? If you are exhausted and want more energy, if you are in pain and want more mobility, if you are struggling with sleep and want a good night’s sleep, if you want to improve your gut health and nutrition, and maybe you also feel let down by the health service (I have been there too).

You know there are things YOU can do to improve your health. I get that you might feel confused and overwhelmed by all the conflicting information online. I am here to help you navigate the nonsense and snake oil salespeople. I teach what I am certified to teach and what I am qualified to teach – what I have experienced that's backed by science (I knew my degree would come in handy at some point). I understand what it’s like to live with chronic illness (Crohn’s and Endometriosis navigator here), I know what fatigue, chronic pain, and the emotional roller-coaster of health and healing is like.

If you are ready to embark on a path to holistic wellness and unlock your full potential, look no further! This membership coaching program supports you with the knowledge and tools to integrate the pillars of health – values, breath, hydration, lymphatic work, movement, sleep, gut health, and nutrition – into your daily life. I prioritise tweaking what you already do rather than overloading you with more to do (but you will need to make changes). You get to take back your power! 


The Healing Rebel Coaching Membership

There is nothing worse than signing up for a membership and then feeling like you have to go it all on your own...

Not with this membership, every month, you will receive an accountability email from me prompting you to set a plan for the month ahead and review the successes and challenges of the previous month. You are invited to explore which areas of your life are working well, which need attention, and how to prioritise those with the simple Wheel of Health and Healing tool.

From that, you decide your focus for the month ahead. You reply to my email with the area you are going to focus on and take the opportunity to ask me any questions. 

No social media groups or group chats that you need to interact with. Just the privacy of email contact with me and full access to all the online module content to watch, learn and implement in your own time.   

Only £25 per month (no minimum contract)

Click Here


The Healing Rebel 1:1 Consultation

If you are struggling with where to start on your healing journey, The Healing Rebel 1:1 Consultation session could be the answer.

Book a 1:1 call and together we discuss what's going on, and what the best next steps for you are.

It can feel overwhelming having a health diagnosis and being told the only thing you can do is take the medication and learn to accept a lower quality of life (that's what I was told at the hospital when I was diagnosed with Crohn's). 

The thing is, there are LOADS of things you can do for yourself to improve your health outcomes. From learning how to reduce/manage the stresses in your life, improving the quality of your sleep, finding ways to move your body to help with day-to-day activities, to tweaking your diet to help reduce inflammation in your body.

Book in for a 1:1 and get the guidance to help you take back your power and feel in control of your health and well-being.

£99 per session (including a follow-up email)

Click Here


Margaret THR Course Testimonial
Marg THR Course Testimonial

Why Choose Me ?


I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease in 2017. It’s an inflammatory bowel disease. They didn’t mention that it can also affect your eyes, joints, skin, tongue, fascia, fat cells, abscesses, hair (loss), ability to walk, energy, and sleep disruption – and that’s before you experience side effects to the medications. Then, in 2023, I was told I also have endometriosis, in which many of the symptoms are crossed over.

There was no support offered for the grief of how life will never be the same again when you get diagnosed with a chronic illness. Or even when you are going through life-changing times like menopause. However, that doesn’t mean you should suffer.

We women go through a lot in our lifetime. Although we were told that we could have it all, which we can, we weren’t told about the cost to our health and well-being. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.

The good news is that The Healing Rebel journey is about going back to basics! Taking away the unnecessary and adding the beneficial. Teaching you how to create good boundaries and prioritise yourself. We are making it simple.

You can’t give from an empty cup, and you will learn how to fill your cup (everyone is different).

I am here to guide you through and hold you accountable so you IMPLEMENT change.

Never has there been a better time to take control of your health

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