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Nourishing spring herbs

Nettles are already abundant; many think of them as weeds and a pest because they sting… BUT, they are highly nutritious and because of that, come with health benefits. They are high in protein (they have all the essential amino acids which is rare in a plant), iron, vitamin C (which helps absorb the iron), vitamins A & K along with several B vitamins, they are also rich in antioxidants! They are considered natures antihistamine, and may relieve hayfever symptoms (definitely a benefit I get) to name a few reasons to consume!

One of my favourite and easy ways of consuming them is in a herbal infusion. You do want to use dried nettles which is easy to do even if you don’t have a dehydrator. Either lay them out on brown paper or cardboard in the window or bunch them together with some string and hang them in a warm airy place. Once the leaves are crispy, they are good to use – this is so when you add the hot water, the cells break and release the nutrients into the infusion.    

Nutritious Herbal Infusions

30g dried herbs (if you are picking fresh nettles you will need about 300g fresh to give you 30g dried)

1-litre mason jar with lid

Boiling water

Put the herb into the jar, and fill the jar right to the top with boiling water. Push the herbs down and top up the water if necessary. Leave for 4-10 hours. Drain the liquid then drink over the day. I would drink the liquid within 24-36 hours. After this, it will have started to ferment. You can feed it to your plants as a natural nourishing fertiliser instead.

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