
yoga outside (1920 x 1080 px)


I love hosting and co-hosting events both online and in person. Check out the latest selection below.

If you have any questions please email

love your lymph

Love Your Lymph Online Workshop

Online Workshop Wednesday 4th Sept 2024, 530-7pm (recorded if you can't make it live)

If you always feel bloated, puffy and have stubborn fat that won't go away. If you have digestion issues. If you live with autoimmune health conditions. If your energy feels sluggish. If you experience headaches and/or migraines. If you live in the modern world. You will have an overloaded lymphatic system. 

Learning a daily lymphatic self-care routine will help reduce inflammation, bloating, and puffiness, improve your digestion, and autoimmunity, give you energy and relieve headaches and migraines. 

You will feel lighter, energised and connected to your body. 

We have so much power in supporting our own health with simple but powerful techniques that we can perform on ourselves. 

Join me in this 90-minute workshop (recorded if you can't make it live) and I will teach you the what, why and how. 


Coastal Forage & Mindful Movement

Sunday 11th Aug 1030am - 230pm join myself and Vicky (The Little Foragers Kitchen) for this unique experience at Lunderston Bay, Gourock to do a coastal forage, learning what you can eat from the coastline of our beautiful country and practice mindful movement. 

It's an amazing opportunity to spend time outdoors, in nature, meeting like-minded people and learning to listen to your body. 


Woodland Forage & Mindful Movement

Sunday 1st Sept 3-7pm join myself and Vicky (The Little Foragers Kitchen) for a woodland forage around Cader Wharf, Bishopbriggs, learning about the edible foods available in and around the area. We will then do a mindful movement session and end the day with wild food taster snacks and a wild drink. 

It's an amazing opportunity to spend time in nature, connecting with like-minded people and learning to listen to your body.  

Louise On Demand Testimonial
lynn retreat
Janice Retreat
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