Are you promising yourself movement, space, relaxation, & rest. Do you need to remove yourself from your busy life to create space just for you? Is there just ‘no time’ to prioritise your health? Do you feel totally disconnected from your own body? Let me invite you to that space and offer you a lovely […]
Author: Jen
Movement Mondays – Alternative Back Stretch
I am passionate about finding different ways to help us move more and in ways that more people can join in. I was super fit and thought that because I was fit I was healthy. I was wrong! I wasn’t listening to the wisdom of my body. I was also learning from working with clients, […]
Saturday Kitchen – Thai Lentil Soup
Over the last few years, I have got serious about doing everything I can to support my gut health. You may or may not be aware that I have Crohn’s disease which is an inflammatory condition of the bowel and early 2022 I got very sick, ended up in the hospital, on very potent antibiotics, and had […]
The Healing Benefits of Sound Therapy
Exercise and Chronic Illness
Being diagnosed with Crohn’s was a blow to my confidence big time. I don’t want go along to a ‘regular’ fitness class mostly through fear… When I am teaching class1. We are online so you can happily k ow no one else can see you.But more importantly and this is something I ALWAYS say2. listen […]
Hot flushes? Try this simple tea to cool you down
For many women, hot flushes or flashes can be frequent and uncomfortable. Some experience them during their period, but more commonly it’s when we reach perimenopause and menopause that more women will experience them. It’s not fully understood what causes the hot flashes during (peri)menopause, but it’s thought to be connected to unpredictable and declining […]
100+ Years of Reiki
Reiki is a spiritual practice that was developed in Japan about 100 years ago by a guy named Mikao Usui. It’s all about using energy to help people feel better and more balanced in their minds, body, and spirit. Today, millions of people all over the world practice Reiki and use it for different reasons. […]
Beginners Hip & Leg Strength
So welcome to Movement Mondays. If you are sitting all day, then you will NEED to do intentional work to get the muscles in the back of your body working. Today’s video is a simple way to make a start. The videos will be short – less than 1 minute (you can also find these […]
Greek Fruit Salad
Recipes to help improve the health of your gut. Your gut microbes are involved in immune function, hormone balance, detoxification, mood, and energy… and that’s just the stuff they have been able to prove! The recipes I share will be as diverse as possible to help you fuel your gut, and you can add and […]
Massage, Reiki, Access Bars. Sound Healing, Springburn, North Glasgow
Welcome to I Am Jen Wilson HQ When are you coming for a treatment? I offer massage (females only). Reiki, Access Bars and Sound Healing Therapy #womenover40 #thehealingrebel #holistichealing #holistichealer #energyhealing #energyhealer #glasgowhealer #glasgowhealing #massagetherapist #healingmassage #accessbars #awakenconsciousness #accessingconsciousness #accessconsciousness #reikihealing