blog Mindbody Mindset Selfcare

Resting in Menopause

I have been talking about resting in the last few weeks of Wednesday emails. 

Another conversation I am having more than I would like is with women in perimenopause (and post-menopause) who have to take time off work because of their symptoms. 

They feel like they are losing their minds and unable to cope with everything. 

This is where rest becomes vital!

This is where learning to rest and relax becomes a high priority. 

Every woman is going to go through menopause uniquely. 

Some will want and/or need medicines. Some won’t. 

Some will have extreme symptoms, and some will go through it without incident.  

I have spoken before about the journey through the ashes to rise like a phoenix… The teachers I am learning from likening the menopausal journey to that. 

What can we do to give ourselves some support, rest, and relaxation? 

Menopause Massage can help with some of the symptoms… 

If you are struggling with symptoms like:

hot flushes

brain fog

joint pain


mood swings


sleep disruption

night sweats

irregular periods

vaginal dryness

loss of sex drive (libido)

Know that you are not alone and these symptoms may be a sign of (peri)menopause, or maybe you are post-menopausal and still experiencing symptoms.

This unique treatment includes a detailed consultation, a 3 pronged approach massage using specific massage oil blends, acupressure points and Swedish massage techniques to help bring your body back into balance.

The massage is deeply relaxing helping reduce the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause, and the research shows benefits can last between 5 & 10 days.

Please allow up to 90 mins for this treatment as we go through detailed consultation, the treatment and specific aftercare.…

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