So many people I speak to talk about the madness of December and how they ‘just have no time’, and they are rushed and pushed all over the place with many, many commitments. They are stretched to breaking point… Is this you? Are you saying yes to everything, even if you really don’t want to […]
Author: Jen
Easy Hummus Recipe
I don’t like canned chickpeas, I find there is a taste from them that I don’t like, so I use dried chickpeas. You do need to soak them overnight before you cook them. I batch-cook them in my slow cooker, portion them and keep them in the freezer until I want to use them. I […]
How do you make your chocolate healthier?
This one is for the health-conscious chocolate lover… I am not a fan of milk or white chocolate. I find them too sweet. I was put off at the Cadbury’s factory in Tasmania, and the guide told us that the white chocolate was just the leftovers after they had taken the goodness out of the […]
Taking back control
Do you feel like to have lost control of your health and well-being? I know I have felt like that in the past especially when I have been in a Crohn’s flare. Losing my independence and freedom (couldn’t even wash or dress myself at my worst). More recently being told by the hospital that I […]
#153 Sam The Hormone Goddess Podcast: Hormone health, perimenopause, mother, maiden, crone
In this conversation, Jen & Sam discuss women’s health, slowing down, listening to your body, and the journey from maiden to mother to crone. Why it’s important to reclaim the language of Crone and Witch. Follow Sam on Instagram @the_hormone_goddess Get your free 5 day body and mind reset here Subscribe to my YouTube […]
How to clear your head
Hello, I hope you have had a good weekend. I love when we get these clear blue skies and fresh cold weather. I am not a fan when it clouds over and gets damp! And my body lets me know about it’s dislike too… It’s at this time of year many of us get cold’s […]
Roasted Chickpeas – 3 flavour ideas
I am a savoury snack girl! Crisps are my vice… and I have been drifting back to snacking on them (or having them instead of a meal) a little too often just now. In my mission to help improve my gut health, I know that regularly snacking on crisps isn’t good for my health… and […]
FREE Body & Mind Reset Masterclass
🥳 Introducing The Healing Rebel Body & Mind Reset Master Class designed exclusively for women tired of feeling frustrated and exhausted by their health. 🌱💪 Are you ready to prioritise your well-being and make positive changes NOW? This master class will teach you the basic steps to regain control and reset your body and […]
A year from now you will wish you started today
If only I had (enter whatever habit you are procrastinating on here) last year… I would be so much further ahead… I feel conflicted writing that first sentence because I believe everything happens at the right time, and we need to be in enough pain to push us in another direction… BUT… most of us […]
Why do you need to strengthen your feet and ankles?
The Pilates for Beginners course started last Tuesday, and week one was about your feet and how you connect to the ground to improve movement. Each foot has 7000 nerve endings, which get desensitized when we are in shoes – the thicker the sole, the more problematic the shoe. Those nerves are meant to read […]