blog recipe

Lavender Infused Honey

Lavender Infused Honey

There are 2 ways to make this, I have tried them both… 

The first, break off the flowers (dried) half fill a jar then cover them in honey, sit in a sunny window for 4 weeks then strain off the honey. Sounds quite simple BUT it got really messy and I ended up losing a lot of the honey. 

The second way (much easier in my opinion), take 1 tablespoon of powdered flower to 1 cup of honey, mix and consume. That’s it! When I harvest lavender, I let it dry then break off the flowers and keep them in a jar. I used my coffee/herb grinder to make the flowers into powder. 

Lavender honey is very good for digestive issues and crohns (which is why I am right into this treat!)

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