blog Mindbody Movement Pilates Selfcare Yoga

Stretches for tight hips


Today’s video, when I shared it across all the social media platforms is the one that got the most feedback of ‘yip, I need to do this more’.

What is it I hear you ask? 

Hip stretch! 

You might have heard ‘sitting is the new smoking when it comes to detrimental effects on our health’ – I have said this too!! 

The thing is, (and I am always learning and adapting my ways of thinking) it’s not sitting per say – I am always saying we need to move more, and rest more… which feels like conflicting information. 

But, it’s how we are sitting… 

I was listening to a podcast recently and the researcher being interviewed had spent time living with indigenous tribes in Mexico to watch and learn from them. He noted that the tribes people do sit a lot to rest – but not for prolonged periods of time – like most of us do, eg 8 hours a day at a laptop, feet up on the sofa for hours (and hours) of Netflix binging!

These people were sitting on the ground and getting up and down sometimes as often as every 20mins… 

If you have ever been to my Pilates class, then you will know I encourage you to get down to the floor without using your hands, if you can… But many of us have tight hips and that can make things awkward, impossible and potentially dangerous (if you fell and banged your head for example!)

Regular hip stretches would be the first step forward! Like the one shown in the video below. 

Doing that stretch is the beginning… and only 1 stretch… 

If you do have tight hips, I want to help you out with my Happy Hips Live Online Workshop on Saturday 5th Aug at 1115am. Don’t worry if you can’t make it live, it will be recorded for you to access later. 

Some fun facts; 

  • tight hips can cause constipation
  • tight hips can cause back pain
  • tight hips can increase your fall risk

I have (and still do) worked with clients with hip replacements. There are a couple of movements that are not recommended for hip replacements and adaptations can be made (which I offer in this workshop and my classes). 

BOOK YOUR SPACE HERE and don’t worry if you missed the date, signing up you will get the recording! 

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