Mindbody Movement Pilates Selfcare Yoga

Tight feet or bunions?

I am passionate about finding ways to help us move more and in ways that more people can join in.

Improving the mobility and strength of our feet helps improve our balance. It also helps stimulate the muscles and nerves to move more efficiently and get the muscles all firing in the correct order at the right intensity.

I have an online course that takes you through simple moves and exercises you can do each day to help your feet, balance and mobility. For more information, check out www.iamjenwilson.com/feet

Tight feet or bunions? 

Getting any looped band – hair bobble, hair band, resistance band, belt…. this activation band is versatile for other exercises and comes in a pack of 3 at different strengths. I use this one >> https://amzn.to/3Gz1wEh

Stand however wide the band allows you to so you can get a stretch. Adding in the movement encourages more space in your feet. With any movement I teach, listen to your body, and if anything causes pain, stop doing it and remember to breathe when you are doing this!

It also just feels really good to do!

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