

Sourdough focaccia

Sourdough Focaccia Fiber Points 3+ 50g sourdough starter  200ml warm water (under 40c so it doesn’t kill your starter) 1/2 tsp salt 300g flour (I used a mix of rye and plain, different flours will give different textures and consistencies) Mix everything – this mix will be wetter and stickier than a bread mix. Leave […]

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blog recipe

Nourishing spring herbs

Nettles are already abundant; many think of them as weeds and a pest because they sting… BUT, they are highly nutritious and because of that, come with health benefits. They are high in protein (they have all the essential amino acids which is rare in a plant), iron, vitamin C (which helps absorb the iron), […]

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blog recipe

Nutty Rice

Nutty Rice Fiber Points: 10+ 1 cup white basmati rice 1 cup brown basmati rice 1tspn ground cumin 2tbsp sunflower seeds 2tbsp pumpkin seeds 1/2 cup dried apricot chopped 1 cup roasted cashews (if you have raw, dry fry them for a few mins) 1/3 cup pine nuts 2/3 cup almonds Dressing 1/4 cup wine […]

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blog recipe

Pumpkin, Chickpea & Spinach Curry

Pumpkin, Chickpea & Spinach Curry Fiber Points 12+ 2 tbsp oil (coconut or Extra Virgin Olive Oil) 2 medium brown onions (sliced) 2 cloves garlic crushed 2 birdseye chillies (sliced – deseeded if you don’t want the heat) 1 tsp ground coriander 1 tsp ground cumin 1 tsp black mustard seed (optional) ½ teaspoon ground turmeric […]

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